Wednesday, March 21, 2012

One step closer!

Adoption is expensive!  Plain and simple, that's just the way it is.  Let me just say that when we started this adoption process we were not thinking, "Hey, we have thousands of dollars laying around!  How about we just adopt a baby!"  We both knew that if this was something God was leading us to do then He would provide a way, even if that meant saving up for the next few years.  We continue to pray that God will show up in such a way that it would be undeniable that He is orchestrating this entire process.  We want Him to get all of the praise and glory for making this entire thing happen.  We had no idea how we were going to be able to afford any of it, but we agreed to start taking baby steps forward.

Right about the time we started the process Brandon was given an amazing opportunity to find and renovate rental properties for a group of investors.  Yesterday they were able to close on a few properties which means we now have the home study fee covered!  Thank you Jesus! 
The money is not great, God is great!  He is sooo much greater than money, but most of the time I am so focused on fees that I forget that.  I refuse to see money as an obstacle, because I know that God is beyond capable of moving mountains if we just step out in faith to follow Him.

We are meeting with the agency on Wednesday to set up a time for them to come interview our family and see if our home meets all of the safety requirements.  So, if you'll excuse me, I think I will go start cleaning this messy house like a crazy person! (Even though it will look exactly the same way tomorrow)

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