Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Boys, Boys, Boys!

I was washing dishes this afternoon while the boys were playing in the backyard.  They came busting through the back door with a handful of, what I think, are the most beautiful flowers in the world!  My heart was overflowing with joy to see that my boys love me.  After we put the flowers in some water they begged me to come play with them.  The house was a mess and there was so much that needed to be done but I made a choice.  I didn't say "just one more minute" or "let me just do this one last thing." (like I usually do)  I dropped everything and went outside to play with my boys.

There will come a day, in the not so distant future, when my boys will not be asking me to push them on the swing.  They will not be asking a billion questions, they will not laugh at all of my jokes, and they will not want me to sing just one more song before they fall asleep.  I sometimes wish I could keep them pure and precious and innocent forever, but God has called me to raise up some mighty little men.  I don't want to ever loose sight of what I am here to do.  I believe that, as a junior in high school, God profoundly called me to be a mom who would raise up Godly men to further the kingdom of heaven.  I don't always make the right choices and there are many days when I really screw things up, but today I chose my boys.


  1. Megan, Being the mother of two boys myself, I totally get what you're talking about. My boys grew up way too fast and learned things early that I never wanted them to learn until they NEEDED to learn them. I'm so glad God gave you the insight to be a Godly, caring mother early - before you were given the miracle of a child.

    Children learn how to be adults by their parents. Your boys will be patient and kind - and will know how to treat their girlfriends and wives. They have wonderful role models in you and Brandon.

    God bless you in your journey. I know God has the most perfect little one that will totally bless your family!

    Love to you all!

    1. I love you Donna Downs! You are the sweetest and we miss you guys so much. Thanks for the encouragment :)
