Friday, May 10, 2019

ArkLaTex Elite Basketball Progam

To say that Brandon Shaver loves basketball would be the understatement of the year! A few years ago he started ArkLaTex Elite right here in Shreveport, Louisiana. After coaching all three of our boys he noticed there was a great need for training in core fundamentals. Kids loved playing basketball, but a lot of them needed help to develop their technique and perfect their skills. Brandon started training and putting on clinics and camps around town. As the kids grew and developed he started to form competitive teams that have traveled all around the ArkLaTex area competing in tournaments.

As of right now he has four competitive teams, one for 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th grade boys. One of my favorite things to watch as a parent is not only his dedication to their development as players, but to developing them as confident men of faith. The teams have formed a close brotherhood. They are a family that supports each other both on and off the court.

I also love how practice is always fun and very high energy! Brandon is constantly pushing them to be competitive and teaching them how to stretch themselves to always strive to be better. I cannot wait to see how God uses all of these fine young men in the future for His glory!

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