Friday, May 10, 2019

Happy Birthday Bryce!

It was a year ago today that I got a phone call that changed our lives forever.  We had just driven 8 hours down to Pensacola, Florida to vacation with our family at the beach.  I remember it like it was yesterday, we were sitting in the backyard by Uncle Kevin's pool and it was shortly after 11:00.  My phone rang and I almost didn't answer it because I didn't recognize the number.  "Hi Megan, this is Scott from church.  A baby was born at the hospital today and the birth mom wants to choose an adoptive family for him.  Would you be interested?"  WHAT!?!?  My heart is racing just thinking about that moment.  I might have a son, that I know nothing about, and I'm sitting at the beach!  Everyone kept telling me that there was a lot of red tape and it would take a few days to sort everything out.  I needed to just relax and enjoy the beach while we waited.  Are you serious!  My heart was aching to be with my son, to see his face, to hold him for the first time and I was stuck.  God was working something out that was so beautiful and amazing and He wanted us to be a part of it.  The night before we left to go home Brandon and I went down to the beach to talk and make sure we were both on the same page and 100% committed to what was about to happen.  The next day we started to drive home and I could barely stand the excitement that was waiting for us back in Shreveport, when reality slapped me in the face.  Brandon wasn't feeling well so he asked me to drive while he rested.  It wasn't long after that he started puking in Kade's sand bucket from Peg Leg Pete's, Kade started crying because daddy was puking in his sand bucket, and Jaxon stared whining because he couldn't hear the movie over all of the puking and crying.  Silent tears started to stream down my face as thought to myself...what in the world are we getting ourselves into?  Are we really qualified to raise this child?  Surely there is another family out there that has there stuff together.  What is God thinking choosing us?!?
Megan, Bryce, and Brandon Shaver

I still think this way from time to time, but I have learned that God doesn't use perfect people.  He's not looking for someone who has it all figured out because He wouldn't get the glory for it.  I am so thankful we said yes that day, and I am so thankful that I get to be Bryce's mom.  I love him more than I ever thought possible and I could not imagine our family without him.  I might not have carried him for eight months, or been there to hear his first cry as he came into this world, but he is my son and nothing will ever change that. 
Happy Birthday Bryce Wyatt Shaver!  Don't you ever forget how much you are loved.