Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Sometimes I just feel like Amelia Bedelia

One of my all-time favorite children's books is Amelia Bedelia. Have you ever read it before? It is THE BEST! Amelia Bedelia shows up to her first day of work, as a maid in Mr. & Mrs. Rogers' fancy house. They have left her a list of things to do and she gets right to work. With a joyful heart she takes care of everything on her list and even has time to make a lemon meringue pie. When the Rogers get back they are in for a big surprise!
She has 'changed' the towels

'Dusted' the furniture

'Drawn' the drapes

'Trimmed' the steak

And my favorite! 'dressed' the chicken

Right about the time Mrs. Rogers is about to lose it, Mr. Rogers shoves a big ol' spoonful of lemon meringue pie in her mouth. It is so fantastic that she forgets all about the crazy stuff Amelia Bedelia did.

I'm not quite as literal as sweet Amelia, but I do feel like I am constantly screwing things up. I try to cook, occasionally, but Lord have mercy if its not spaghetti, tacos, or chicken I don't know what I'm doing. I am constantly forgetting to sign homework papers, conduct grades, read at home books and 'family' projects are the worst. I always swear I will never again take my kids to the store, yet for some reason I keep doing it. If you have never been puked on in Target, then you just do not understand what I am talking about. We are working on potty training Bryce right now and... Whatever. The other day I drove home from the store, unloaded my groceries, and was about to start supper (spaghetti or tacos I can't remember) when I looked at the clock and realized I completely forgot to pick up my children from school. Yes ma'am I did. Forgot...My...Children!

But just like Amelia I have one small trick up my sleeve. I'm not a fan of lemon meringue pie, but I do make the best Nestlé Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies ever!

Granted, I just follow the recipe on the back of the bag, but my family goes crazy over them! They make everything better, I promise, you cannot be angry while eating a warm cookie with some ice cold milk. Scientific fact. So the next time you forget your kids at school, look like a crazy person at the store, or ruin dinner yet again; just make some cookies. (Or buy some, who cares)

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

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