Monday, January 21, 2013

Great news!

We got some great news the other day that we have been waiting 7 months to hear.  I opened the letter from our attorney and there it was...our court date that will legally make Bryce our son!   
In the eyes of the law we have only been his guardians up until now, because the law will not allow you to file for adoption until the child has been in your home for 6 months.  Once you file with the court it takes a good month to actually get a court date set.  I have known in my heart for a long time that Bryce is our son, but there is something really special about having everything legalized.  I can remember the first time I saw Bryce laying in his crib in the NICU.  He was the tiniest baby I had ever seen!  The doctor picked him up, handed him to me, and said "here is your son."  I can't begin to put into words what I was feeling as the tears started to stream down my face.  This precious miracle of a life was being entrusted into my care from now until forever.
We brought Bryce home and the weeks and months that followed were precious, yet difficult.  Overnight I became a mom of three boys and life was not going to slow down just because we had a new baby.  There were many sleepless nights of fussing and crying, and sometimes I would just cry right along with him.  I was overwhelmed, tired, emotional, tired, and..did I mention that I was tired.  Bryce would just give me this look like, Who in the world are you and what do you think you are doing?
Yep, that's the look right there, and every time I saw that look all of my insecurities would rise up.  Who am I to be raising this child?  What qualifies me to take on such a huge responsibility?  I am a sinful mess and I am sure there are tons of people who could do a much better job than I could.  I really had to let it all go and trust that God would give me the wisdom and guidance to raise this little man the way He had planned, and know that He is in complete control.  It wasn't long before those dimples started to melt my heart and I completely fell in love!
On February 25th Bryce will have a new name.  He will be grafted into our family tree and he will legally become our son and nothing will change that.  I feel like this is such a great picture of what Jesus did for us.  "God decided in advance to adopt us into His own family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ. This is what He wanted to do, and it gave Him great pleasure" Ephesians 1:5
We are children of God because He loves us and wanted to adopt us into His family.  One day we will live with Him and finally experience the fullness of His love as we worship Him for all that He has done.  Oh, what a great day that will be!

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