Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We are a family of five!

There have been a lot of changes going on at the Shaver house this past month.  Bryce is one month old and doing great.  He gained 2.9 pounds this month which means he is no longer a preemie and officially moved on to newborn diapers and clothes!  His big brothers are just crazy about their baby brother and cannot leave him alone.  They have been great helpers.
It is definitely taking me some time to get used to all of the bottles. 
Making, heating, feeding, cleaning, sterilizing... now more than ever, am I an advocate for breastfeeding! 
I looked forever for a cute diaper bag and was very disappointed at the lack of cute "boy" bags.  I found this adorable bag on etsy and I love it!  Meiling Shimatsu lives in California and her and her mom make the cutest bags!  Tons of storage and pockets and it's really deep and sturdy.
The Shaver's came over for 4th of July and since we aren't supposed to be getting Bryce out around crowds we drove down to the riverfront and parked on top of a parking garage.  We had a great view of the fireworks and the boys really loved it!
The past two Sundays Brandon let me go to church with Jaxon & Kade while he stayed home with Bryce.  I came home to homemade fried chicken and mashed potato casserole!  I could really get used to this.
All of the family came in for the adoption concert which means crazy cousin time.  We took all of the boys down to the boardwalk and then to the splash pad on the river front.  Jaxon and Kade have been stuck in the house all month so they went wild. 
The night of worship went really well.  There was a good turn out and we were able to share Bryce's story and worship God for adopting us into His family.  Kade even played a little guitar.
Sweet baby Bryce after his bath!
Mr. Jaxon is now riding his bike without training wheels, he has a loose tooth, and he starts kindergarten in just weeks!
Needless to say things are completely different around here.  The house is messier, there's more laundry, tons of dirty diapers, and a whole lot less sleep.  We are getting used to our new "normal" but couldn't be happier to have one more sweet Shaver boy to love on!

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