Friday, June 22, 2012

Bryce is here!

Bryce Wyatt Shaver was born June 16th weighing 4.4lbs. He was born at 33 weeks so he is still in the NICU but is doing excellent! They said he might be able to come home as soon as Monday which means we have a lot of work to do. He is absolutely perfect and we are so blessed to have him in our family. God has been doing some amazing things and I cannot wait to share them with you soon.
Megan, Bryce, and Brandon Shaver


  1. I am so very happy for y'all! Wow! He is beautiful! I can't wait to see him in person! God has truly blessed you! Enjoy each moment with sweet Bryce!
    ps - Meg, your hair looks so good:)

    Katie Flurry

    1. Thanks Katie! Hopefully we can see you guys soon.

  2. Your photos speak volumes. Pure joy. He is beautiful. Congratulations!

    Alison Noyce

    1. Thanks so much! He is a blessing and such an amazing little guy!
