Sunday, August 12, 2012


Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks.  Bryce will be 2 months old this coming Thursday and he is growing and changing every day. 
We took Bryce for a walk, and even though we were all sweating like crazy, he really liked it!

Jaxon is now a professional bike rider

We were so excited to go play at Bereket and Mark's house.

Kade got to hold Mark's snake! Jaxon wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

Goofy boys eating a Strawn's

This was probably 1:30 in the morning. Big brown eyes and ready to play! 

We drove to Marshall to celebrate Mamaw's birthday at the hibachi grill.(aka the cooker man place)

Papaw with his baby boy

Papaw & Mamaw with sweet baby B

He is just so cute!

I cannot tell you how much Jaxon loves Bryce.  It absolutely melts my heart!

The Shaver boys (cutest kids on the planet)

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