Friday, February 3, 2012

Push the button

Lately I've been collecting tons of paperwork on the longest checklist of crazy things you need in order to complete the home study.  I have been putting off the courthouse trip because I was a little overwhelmed at the thought of bringing my boys downtown, but today we decided to take a little field trip.  On the way there Jaxon told me, out of nowhere, that he wants to name the new baby Matthew.  I asked Kade what he thought and he said he wanted to name him Zack.  I have no idea where either of those names came from but I thought, how sweet!  Once we got to the courthouse and parked I let the boys feed the meter, and all I had was a quarter and a dime.  I had hoped we could get in and out quickly and that 35 cents would buy us enough time.  HA!  We made it through the metal detectors and down the elevator to the fingerprint desk only to find out that they could only accept cash.  What was I thinking?  The lady said I would need $40 to collect all of the documents I needed.  So we headed back up the elevator and out the door to the nearest Capital One. (one block up and two blocks over)  I took a deep breath and said to myself, this is an adventure, don't let it frustrate you.  We got about halfway there when I stopped to check my google map, just to make sure we were still headed in the right direction.  Jaxon found an old newspaper box and instinctively pushed the coin return button.  I mean seriously, if you're a five year old and you see a button, you just have to push it.  I immediately reached for the hand sanitizer when 4 quarters came falling out.  Wooo whoo!  We had a little celebratory dance and thought, how crazy was that?  We finally found the bank and withdrew $40 from the ATM.  "Mommy, I have to go to the potty now!"  Well, of course you do sweetheart.  The security guard informed us that the only bathroom was up on the third floor.  Wow, ok!  We headed toward the elevators when what do we see, the holy grail of escalators, four stories high.  The boys were thrilled!  Halfway up Kade says, "this is just like on elf!"  So we took care of business, headed back down the escalators, and back to the car.  The meter said we only had 12 minutes left so we used two of our magic quarters giving us 42 minutes.  Once we got back to the fingerprint desk the lady was so sweet she even let the boys get their fingerprints made.  Three sets of fingerprints was $15 so we paid and headed back up the elevator to get a copy of our marriage certificate which was $5.50.  We then went up the elevator to get a background check which was $20 only to realize I had lost my license somewhere along the way.  Panic!  We went back down the elevator to find a precious lady waiting with my license in her hand.  Oh, thank ya Jesus!  Finally finished, we headed back out to the car and the meter showed we had four minutes to spare.  Oh yea!  We got all buckled up and started to head home when I realized, what would we have done without those four quarters?  The meter would have been on empty and I would have been 50 cents short for all of the paperwork I needed.  Amazing!  My God is just amazing!  I know a dollar in quarters might seem like a silly, insignificant thing but today it meant a lot to me.  It means that my God cares about every tiny detail of our lives.  He is sovereign over everything that happens in this world and He has a plan that is so much bigger than my human brain can comprehend.  All I know is I want my eyes to be open to see it all.  I don't want to miss out on anything He has planned for me to do.  We have been praying that every step of this adoption process would be led according to God's perfect timing and will.  We are praying that He would work everything out in such a way that He would receive all of the glory for making it happen.  "May He equip you with all you need for doing His will.  May He produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to Him.  All glory to Him forever and ever!"  Hebrews 13:21

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This was so funny and exciting! God is answering your prayer! Glad you shared this.
