Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The best day ever!

I want to introduce you to my new friend Tina Sherman! We had the privilege of winning a photo session with Tina and it was simply the best day ever!!! She came out to our house in Shreveport and basically hung out with us all afternoon. She was so kind and patient with my boys and made everything feel so relaxed and fun. But this was no ordinary photo shoot. Tina wanted to tell a story with her pictures, to tell our story. No forced smiles, no 'say cheese', and no frustrated momma. She just wanted to take pictures of us doing our favorite things, things that were special to us. 

I'm not going to lie to you, my initial reaction was that maybe we could take the pictures somewhere else. Somewhere that looked nicer or was more clean or put together. And then I thought... nope. This is the house we live in, and this is our family, and this is our life. Messy and crazy and not put together. And I like that, because that is just who we are. Now, I did hide all of the laundry in my room and shut the door, but everything else was the same. 

When Tina sent me the pictures, I just cried. I cried because she was able to capture my family the way that I see them everyday. Matching color-coordinating outfits, with everyone looking at the camera and forcing a decent smile... they have their place, and I'm a sucker for a good one. But I really want to remember the little things. The way Kade crawls up in my lap when he gets hurt, or the grumpy face Bryce makes when he doesn't get what he wants, or how Brandon Shaver can always get my splinters out without hurting me, or the way Jaxon looks up at me with those big green eyes and freckles that never end. These pictures tell our story. A story that I love to hear over, and over again. Click on the link below to see the slideshow.

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